The Factory: Celebrating 5 Years of Excellence

The Factory: Celebrating 5 Years of Excellence

Hooray! The Factory Digital Filmmaking Program at Douglas Education Center (DEC) celebrated its five-year anniversary with an Open House and Celebration.

The Open House included demonstrations in editing and sound mixing as well as a visit to The Factory’s soundstage. Those in attendance were able to see first-hand what goes on behind-the-scenes during a film production, as well as compilations of student work.

Prospective students and families listen as Factory Director Robert Tinnell speaks on digital film production

After the Open House, prospective students and families were invited to celebrate with DEC at a special five-year celebration where DEC honored Robert Tinnell and The Factory.

A special documentary created by Factory students, entitled “Unlikely – The Story of The Factory,” was featured during the event and included interviews from graduates, faculty and staff, and also behind-the-scenes gems that were both entertaining and eye-opening.

Since its inception, The Factory has grown in popularity, thanks, in part, to Factory Director Robert Tinnell. To show DEC’s appreciation, CEO / President Jeff Imbrescia read two letters from graduates of The Factory, which showcased Tinnell’s dedication and commitment to his students.

One graduate letter had this to say: “During my first semester, Bob had scheduled a late-night voluntary workshop. He felt like we weren’t getting enough practical application in our cinematography class. While we were mucking about with equipment and being the green horns that we were, Bob sat. Sick and miserable. Sweating and shaking. But he stayed with us the entire two and a half hours. I gained new confidence in my craft because he fought through his illness. A few days later we learned that Bob didn’t have the flu, but a major heart condition. He was out sick for a month, with surgery scheduled for the spring. The guy was literally dying, but he kept teaching. I’ve known Bob for nearly five years. He’s been my instructor, boss, surrogate father, mentor and friend. I’m who I am because of who he is.”

Imbrescia then presented Tinnell with a ‘Making a Difference’ award. “It’s been a crazy but amazing five years. We’re still growing as a program and evolving with the constantly changing industry of digital filmmaking,” said Tinnell. “We have a great support network at DEC, as well as students, graduates, employers, community organizations and many more wonderful people who have helped us reach this milestone. We’re looking forward to continuing to grow those relationships over the coming years.

To see additional photos of the day, please visit DEC’s Flickr Gallery.

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